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338 | 8.61mm 300gr HPBT Scenar Projectiles Lapua mfg. (4PL8013) 100 ct

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Bulk Pricing:

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Weight: 300 grain

Projectile: HPBT Scenar, Hollow Point Boat Tail

Amount: 100 bullets per box

Notes: Lapua Scenar match bullet represents the very high end of its class: it has achieved the 600/600 world record of the international sport shooting federation (ISSF). Consistent quality that starts with the raw materials makes this possible. Lapua bullets are practically handmade.

The first choice for serious target competition. Lapua Scenar hollow point boat tail bullets have given superb results at long ranges and bench rest shooting.The Scenar bullets have the IBS World Record in 600 yard Heavy Gun 5-shot group (0.404”) and also hold the official world ISSF record of 600 out of 600 possible, an unbeatable score.