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5.56x45 Ammo 62gr Green Tip M855 PMC X-TAC (5.56K) 1000 Round Case

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Bullet Type: Green Tip M855 SS109 LAP (light armor piercing)

Bullet Weight: 62gr

Bullet Jacket: Copper

Velocity: 3,100 ft/s

Case: Brass

Powder: Non-Corrosive

Primer: Boxer

Amount: 1000 Round Case

Notes: PMC X-TAC™ is tried and tested by military and law enforcement around the world. Designed and manufactured as if your life depended on it.

When a serious threat arises and your life is on the line, that fraction of a second is the precise moment you can’t think about your ammunition. It’s that moment we think of every day. Our PMC X-TAC™ line of ammunition products is tried and tested by military and law enforcement around the world. Manufactured to the exacting specifications required by such organizations and demanded by our customers, X-TAC ™ is the choice for the professional and enthusiast alike. At PMC, we know your job demands that you think of everything. But we also know that when the chips are down you shouldn’t be thinking about your ammunition.
Whether you are in uniform, on the job, at the range, in the field or in your home, PMC X-TAC™ gives you the confidence to make the right choice. It’s the way we want it.

For use in 5.56mm chambered guns only.

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